Formal Scheme documents

Here you’ll find formal Scheme documents.

If you have DC benefits, visit the L&G website

Summary Funding Statement

The Summary Funding Statement summarises the Scheme's funding position at the most recent actuarial valuation and explains changes to the position since the last valuation.

Please click this link to view the T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme – Summary Funding Statement

Implementation Statement

DB Section

The T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme Implementation Statement sets out how the Trustee’s have invested the Scheme assets in line with the SIP during the Scheme year.

Please click this link to view the T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme – DB Implementation Statement


Chairman’s Statement

The T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme Chairman’s statement explains how governance requirements have been met during the Scheme year.

Please click this link to view the T-Mobile UK Pension Scheme – Chairman’s Statement

Annual Report and Accounts

The T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme Annual Report and Accounts describes how the Scheme has been managed and any changes which have happened in the year.

Please click this link to view the T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme - Annual report 2023

Statement of Investment Principles (SIP)

DB Section

The T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) for the DB Section of the Scheme sets out the principles which govern the Trustee's decisions regarding investing the assets of the DB Section of the Scheme, and how the Scheme meets the relevant legislative requirements.

Please click this link to view the T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme - DB Section SIP



No information contained in this site alters any member’s benefits or entitlement under the Scheme's trust deed and rules, which can be amended from time to time. In the event of there being any difference between the information set out on this site and the provisions of the Scheme’s current trust deed and rules, the latter will prevail.

T-Mobile International UK Pension Scheme Privacy Notice
GDPR Data Privacy Notice

For queries about your DB Section benefits
contact the T-Mobile International UK Pensions Team on:
Tel: 0333 11 11 222
Email: [email protected]

For queries about your DC benefits contact L&G on:
Tel: 0345 070 8686

Email: [email protected]



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